Monday, April 3, 2017

Blog 13: Data as a new currency

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Blog 13: Data as a new currency

So far I really like how Greengard starts out his book. It is really interesting to hear how other people use technology. The way he made it sound was that he was not as technologically savvy as some. However, I would have to say in comparison to me his use of technology so synchronously is quite awesome. I envision a future in which we will be able to have all of our technology sync with everything and you only have to worry about one interface. It just blew my mind all of the technology he used to keep track of every important thing. It almost seemed like a burden to have to worry about all of that technology. I could not imagine inputting every individual food that I eat on a daily basis while also inputting what you drank and how much you exercised. This seems a little personal letting a device someone else made know all this information about you.

This leads me to my second point about these chapters. Greengard touches on how data is being collected on us at an astounding rate. It makes me uncomfortable thinking about what the internet may know about me. Is it right for companies to be able to trick you into collecting your data because of how they write their terms of service? Like Greengard said, that data is going to be a new currency for companies and it is going to affect how business is done in the future.


Do you think that our data will become a new currency or has it already become that?

What kinds of technology do you have synced up with the internet like Greengard describes in chapter one?

Picture taken from:

Greengard, Samuel. The internet of things. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. [Introduction, Chapter 1 & Chapter 2]

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